Other Stories

Other Stories include "Her Stories". They emerged from the previous project entitled My Body Leads Me Down A Winding Path. I was encouraged to create a separate series of works (which is still in the process) by the voices of women who share experience of their femininity. Women who teach society how to talk about the body with dignity, without taboos, in a beautiful way and with freedom. Talking about the feelings associated with growing up as a girl, discovering pleasure and one's own uniqueness, as well as with aging and the body changing over time. Non-verbal knowledge built as a result of physical experience, closely related to body movement, became the starting point for me to create these group of works. In a non-verbal way, I join the public debate on this topic. Through abstract forms, I create narratives whose interpretation I leave open, so as to give them to each recipient for individual reading.
Title: Other Stories
Year: 2023-24
Material: porcelain, engobe; frame: wood board, acrylic paint
Technique: throwing wheel, airbrush, 1200 C firing

Other Stories 1, Dim. 17 x 17 x 6,5

The entire project was inspired by this work, which is part of My Body Leads Me on a Winding Path Collection. Composition 21. Dim. 45 x 80 x 6,5 cm

Other Stories 2, Dim. 45 x 80 x 6,5 cm

Other Stories 2, Detail

Other Stories 3, Dim. 17 x 17 x 6,5

Other Stories 4,5,6 Dim. 17 x 17 x 6,5

work in progress...

work in progress...
Photo: Celestyna Król, Grzegorz Stadnik, A.Patanowska